I have this dear 3rd cousin in St. Stephen , New Brunswick whom I've never met. Her birth mom was my mother's second cousin, or so my mother said. Anyway, her birth mom, Gladys, was so good to me as a child, so one day I was thinking of her and wondered if she had passed away, but most importantly, if she did, was anyone with her. After making many phonecalls I did find out that Gladys passed away and her daughter had made arrangements for someone to be with her. I asked for the daughter's name and phone number and gave her a call. We've been great friends ever since that day nearly 12 years ago! We've never met in person but we always exchange cards and gifts, and we share a love of cats and wild birds. This is a card I received from her recently thanking me for the Christmas gifts I sent, one of them being a framed piece from Illustration Friday. I just love the toothpick knitting-needles on the card...so clever!
I'm grateful for serendipitous meetings and the chance to be in an elderly person's life who has no blood relations. She has a heart as big as life and she has enriched my life enormously in return.