Monday, July 28, 2008

Cactus Monday again?

Here's a pic I took Saturday of my friend's prickly pear cactus. I love zooming in on the new growth! I hope to do a paiting of this and other shots I took when I find the time. Meanwhile, Happy Cactus Monday Cacuteers!


Teri said...

Oh it's beautiful. Great close-up.

Happy Cactus Monday!

human being said...

radiant as the sun... a green one...

Anonymous said...

This will make a mighty lovely painting. I can just imagine what you creative thing you might do with it.

soulbrush said...

wish my senita would 'do' something...sigh....thanks for all your caring about steve, he's doing fine...and happy cactus monday to you (on wednesday), animal wednesday! oops, did you remember? how did the job interview go?

erin said...

happy cactus monday! I'm having "rainy tuesday" away on a trip to the soggy northwest, so your cactus is a nice reminder home.

marianne said...

Oh wonderful!
I painted a prickly pear in Forever Young's mandala , so ever since I'm a big fan of this cactus!
I look forward to see your painting!
greetings Marianne

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

what a fun photo, I like this! :-D