Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Rain and Memories

We got some much needed rain on the peninsula today. One of the things I love about a good downpour is the freshness of the air. I also love the bigger waves and even taking a walk with Emma. She's not too fond of getting her delicate little feet wet though!

One of the other things I love is how things look after the rain. I was opening the gates to a house where I'm taking care of a kitty friend, Sammy, and at the edge of the driveway is an old apple tree. I was struck by how many apples were still hanging on in spite of most of the leaves being long ago blown away, and also the vibrancy of the yellow against the wet, dark branches. The tiny red leaves from the hedge below made for a stunning composition. I only wish I could have captured it better, but it was dusk already~not the best time for certain photos.

I opened the door for Sammy so he could get a dose of the crisp air since he was kept in all day. That's him to the left of the fountain. If you remember, he's the survivor of the pet food poisoning. Sadly, his companion of ten years, Little Girl, didn't make it. I still expect to see her when I go there. I know her parents still feel her around the place, as do I. Sammy, too, I'm sure.

Today's gratitude is for rain and bittersweet memories.

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